DISTRUBUTOR EMPANELMENT FORM (Only for Resident Individual)
4. Disclosures( Note: If any of the below criteria is met, you need to complete a due diligence process before empanelment.) |
5. BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS (Your commission / brokerage payments will be paid by direct credit to this account) |
6. Nomination facility: (Available only for individuals) |
- I / We hereby declare that the information provided is factual and correct. I / We understand that if any information is found to be incomplete, false
or wrong, then the BOIIM may take suitable action against me including termination of empanelment / Distribution Agreement.
- I / We further confirm that all our personnel, sub-agents are certified and registered with AMFI and hold a valid AMFI certificate and photo-identity card.
- I/We am/are not an Employee or a relative of a Director/Employee of the AMC/Sponsor/or any of its associates.
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